The Second Degree Training and Attunement
Discover the Healing
Power of Reiki
Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner with Wisteria's Comprehensive Second Degree Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Training Course
Awaken Your Inner Healer
Are you ready to transform your life and help others through the ancient art of Reiki? Wisteria's Second Degree Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Training Course is designed to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and energy healing. Whether you’re new to Reiki or looking to deepen your practice, this course will provide the tools and knowledge you need to become a confident and certified Reiki practitioner.
Become a Practitioner
Discover the healer within you. Begin your journey in becoming attuned and undergoing training required to become a Reiki practitioner.
Who Is This Reiki Course For?
This course is perfect for:
• Beginners with no prior experience in Reiki.
• Anyone seeking personal growth and emotional healing.
• Wellness professionals looking to expand their skill set.
• Attuned Practitioners looking to refresh their knowledge and/or energetic connection.
My First Experience with Reiki
"Let me tell you my story."
When I first heard of Reiki, I was told that by restoring the natural flow of energy in the body, we, as energetic beings, could experience greater harmony in life. Fascinated, I began researching Reiki and became increasingly convinced of its potential benefits. It made perfect sense, and I thought, “Why not try it?” Soon after, I found a Reiki Master Practitioner nearby and scheduled my first session.
During that initial session, I felt so deeply relaxed that I almost forgot I was lying on a massage table in an unfamiliar space. Each time I became aware of my surroundings, I’d notice the practitioner gently placing their hands on my head, feet, torso, or wherever their intuition guided them.
I felt an overwhelming sense of peace as memories and emotions I’d clung to for so long began to dissolve. It felt like a release—as if I could finally let go, and these burdens simply drifted away.
My body felt lighter, and I was filled with compassion. In that moment, I understood what inner harmony truly felt like. It wasn’t unfamiliar; it was the same feeling I’d experienced in moments when I felt aligned with life, supported by the universe, and confident in my next steps—when my thoughts, words, and actions were in perfect sync.
How Reiki Changed My Life
I began witnessing the natural transformations within myself in this aligned state:
• Mental and emotional clarity
• Connection between mind and heart
• Inner peace
• Self-acceptance and acceptance of others
• Forgiveness and compassion
• Spiritual maturity
I realized that my conscious experience is a stage for my physical self, while my inner experience is a stage for my spiritual self, and everything I encounter is ultimately a reflection of me.
Old patterns, habits, and thought processes surfaced, revealing how they had shaped my experiences. Clarity began to replace old imbalances, and I understood why they had appeared in the first place.
At that moment, I felt I had stumbled upon the “Philosopher’s Stone” I’d been seeking since childhood. Profound answers began surfacing to questions I’d long pondered:
• How can I awaken to my true self?
• Can self-awareness help clear karmic patterns?
• How can I recognize and honor the divinity in others?
“I knew right then that I wanted to maintain this balance and, even more, to share this transformative experience with others!
I was ready to awaken the healer within me.”
What You’ll Learn:
• The Foundations of Reiki: Understand its history, principles, and the science behind energy healing.
• Essential Energy Healing Techniques of each Degree: Master the art of channeling Reiki energy to balance mind, body, and spirit. Discover the profound affects of Energy Healing.
• Self-Healing Practices: Learn how to apply Reiki to your own life for greater clarity, relaxation, and vitality. Especially emphasized in the First Degree.
• Hands-On Experience: Practice giving Reiki to others with hands on guidance and step by step photo examples.
• Advanced Reiki Attunements: Unlock higher levels of energy flow through personalized attunements received with each Degree.
"How is this course unique from other Reiki trainings available?"
What we know today as Reiki, was tapped into by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan only a century ago. This is just one system, recently discovered, from a long history of energy healing techniques that existed since the beginning of time.
Wisteria's Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Training Course includes a variety of ancient cultural perspectives on energetic healing. This course is unique because it not only covers the traditional Japanese essentials, but also explains cultural connections throughout history alongside each of the teachings. This allows for clear comprehension allowing to connect-the-dots.
With emphasis on becoming confident with your connection, clarification on techniques is offered in an easy to understand curriculum.
Why Choose Us?
• Expert Instruction: Learn from certified Reiki Masters with years of training and experience.
• Flexible Learning Options: Choose between in-person workshops or an online, self-paced course. Even the online course offers personal video call connection.
• Comprehensive Materials: Get access to detailed guides, videos, and lifetime course updates, all accessible at your fingertips.
• Community Support: Join a supportive network of fellow Reiki practitioners and mentors. Connect with your teacher anytime for questions as they come up. Continue practicing with community at monthly Healing Shares.
• International Certification: Receive a certificate for each Degree recognized by Reiki organizations worldwide.
Testimonials from Our Students
"Got certified at the 2nd level of Reiki with Wisteria and will be going back to her for my level 3. So balanced, my kind of teaching! Right mix of information and practice. 💜"
“Since becoming attuned, I’ve never felt like this. Kinda indescribable. My emotions are heightened, yet my mind is so clear and making all these connections. I’m so in control, I can sense subtle energy more.”
"I feel great after getting attuned to Reiki and am really excited about the future, noticing so many synchronicities already. Also, I love the vocabulary in the book, it makes things very easy to understand and implement."
"If you’re thinking of learning reiki this is the place to be! Wisteria is an amazing teacher and such a great person. She teaches everything in detail to ensure you have all of the knowledge that you need. I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher!"
What You’ll Learn:
• The Foundations of Reiki: Understand its history, principles, and the science behind energy healing.
• Essential Energy Healing Techniques of each Degree: Master the art of channeling Reiki energy to balance mind, body, and spirit. Discover the profound affects of Energy Healing.
• Self-Healing Practices: Learn how to apply Reiki to your own life for greater clarity, relaxation, and vitality. Especially emphasized in the First Degree.
• Hands-On Experience: Practice giving Reiki to others with hands on guidance and step by step photo examples.
• Advanced Reiki Attunements: Unlock higher levels of energy flow through personalized attunements received with each Degree.
"Here's what I have to share with you."
Wisteria offers Training, Attunement, and Certification in Shiyo Ryoko Usui Reiki.
Course Content
The Second Degree,
Okuden Kouki and Okuden Zenki
- Learn to work with more refined energy.
- Become attuned and opened to a higher frequency.
- Learn the first two Reiki symbols and how to use them.
- Practice healing others to bring confidence in our practice.
- Learn mantras and breath work to attain oneness.
- Receive the third distance healing symbol.
- Review Reiki from a business angle.
Site-Wide Sale!
I would like to make you an offer. When you make your decision to Enroll Today, if you pay in FULL*, you may take an additional 50% off of this course!
Just to use the code ENROLLNOW at the checkout to receive your discount for half-off of enrollment costs.
*Payment plans also available at full price.
About Wisteria Dawn
My name is Wisteria Dawn and I am the owner of Wisteri-Yoga & Reiki LLC 😊
With barefoot, gypsy, flowerchild blood running through my veins, I was born on a full moon, and meant to shine bright as ever!
I hosted a poetry class since 2016 and yoga classes since 2017. I became certified, and opened my Reiki practice as an official business in 2020.
Since then, I have been teaching classes regularly 4-7 days a week and continued deepening my practice with Shamanic Spiritual Healing studies in Brazil. As an ordained minister, I have officiated several ceremonies and recently became a published author, as well.
As I continue evolving through my journey, my mission has always been the same, focused on integrative wellness of mind, body, soul. Energetic healing through the Chakras is the foundation of everything I do from energy work, yoga, chakra series, poetry, astrology, discussion groups, etc.